
Frequently asked questions

Q.1. What makes AASHA INDIA approach different?
Ans:- AASHA INDIA approach is based on the participatory development for the larger sections of the deprived sections of the deprived community of Indian society. Our programme based largely on education, training and empowerment of the weaker section of the society. AASHA INDIA’s aims to provide education training, moral encouragement and practical help so that people will develop the skill and confidence needed to make changes to their present situations.

Q.2. Can I come and see what is going on ?
Ans:- By all means- if you are in India and would like to see AASHA INDIA’s work first hand, just e-mail us and let us know when you’ll be with us. If at all possible we will let you experience the vitality and effectiveness of AASHA INDIA’s work.
We also welcome contact from the healthy energetic students, youths and people with various skills who wish to Volunteer for a shorter time. See the volunteering page for more information.

Q.3. How is AASHA INDIA funded ?
Ans. – AASHA INDIA is funded entirely by the assistance of our friends and partners.

Q.4.What can I do to help AASHA INDIA ?
Ans.- There are lots of possibilities ! We rely greatly on our partners and supporters around the world who will either pray for our work or contribute financially. Of course the more money we have, the more we are able to do social and human activity around the world for the welfare of all living beings. Every contribution is valuable, specially if it is given regularly. See Donation section for more details of how to support AASHA INDIA. 

Q.5. How much money will actually go to help the poor ?
Ans.- Less than 8 per cent of fund raised are spent on administration and so the vast majority of our doner’s money is spent directly to AASHA INDIA’s projects.
By giving to AASHA INDIA, you will know that people in very different circumstances from you own can break free from the distributive cycle of poverty and despair. You will also be making a practical contribution towards educating people about ways in which poverty can be reduced.

Q.6. What is the motivation behind AASHA INDIA ? 
Ans. – The prime motivation behind the work of AASHA INDIA is to organize and empower deprived community for social change to achieve the goal of self reliant, knowledgeable and gender just society through participatory approach and to ensure ecological balance according to the Vedic Principle .

Q.7. How can I learn more?
Ans.- Our current annual report can be found online by clicking here, and you can contact us with any specific queries by e-mailing : aashaindiatrust@gmail.com or aashaindia@rediffmail.com.

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